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From September 1st, filing design applications will be easier!

From September 1st,

filing design applications will be easier!

- Dramatic relaxation of requirements for submission of design drawings -

The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) announced that in order to make the filing of design applications more convenient and easier, the requirements for submitting design drawings will be dramatically eased for applications filed on or after September 1st.

Going forward, the font file (TTF)* itself will be allowed to be submitted when a font design** application is filed.

* True Type Font (TTF) is a standard font file format, which is essential for font design development as shape is maintained when character size is changed.

** A set of font designs that share common features for recording, displaying, and printing, etc.

Until now, after developing and producing font files, there has been the inconvenience of having to create additional drawings when applying for design registration. However, with the font files themselves now being submittable, the time and cost involved in creating separate drawings can be saved.

In addition, from now on, when a design application is filed, in the case that a drawing is originally submitted in a three-dimensional (3D) file and needs to be amended, a drawing for the amendment can be submitted in a two-dimensional (2D) file, and in the case that a drawing is originally submitted as a 2D file, amendment by a 3D file drawing is permitted.

* 2D file (TIFF, JPEG), 3D file (3DS, DWG, DWF, IGES, 3DM)

Before, there was a restriction* that, at the time of amendment, submission was only allowed in the same file format as the submission file format of the drawings applied for in the design application. However, going forward, such restriction is eliminated, and file format can be selected according to the convenience of the applicant, and through this, amending can be more convenient.

* Previously, in the case of originally filing an application with a drawing in a 3D file format, amendment was only possible with a drawing in 3D file format, and in the case of originally filing with a drawing in 2D file format, amendment was only possible with a drawing in 2D file format.

In addition, it is now permitted for "National Research and Development Project" and "Hope to transfer Design" to be described in a design application form. Through a design publication, such descriptions can be notified to many people, and it is expected that promotion and transaction of design right will be boosted thereby.

The Chief of the Trademark and Design Examination Bureau of the Korean Intellectual Property Office said, "By allowing the submission of font files for font design drawings and easing the requirements for the submission of design drawings, applicants can save time and money, and it is expected that filing applications and amendments will thus be more convenient. We will continue to promote such system improvements to alleviate applicants’ inconvenience and provide for securing design rights more easily."

[Source: KIPO]


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